Design Story: Sunflower Mirror
How a surprise encounter with a window inspired the design for our new Sunflower Mirror.

The window that started it all.
One day, our Chief Design Officer, Roberto, was taking a stroll near his parent’s home when he caught his reflection in a window. He could have simply admired his own image, but the window itself was too surprising and unique to ignore! He suddenly found himself struck with inspiration.
Roberto snapped a picture and the seeds of Sunflower Mirror were planted. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, too; we'd been looking for our next in-house project. Our previous original design, the Poppy Candle Holders, were still on our mind—so another flower-inspired object for Spring 2024 seemed like a natural move.

Sunflower Mirror 3D prints in the studio.
We're very familiar with how little space there is in NYC apartments—particularly in bathrooms where one often doesn't have a single counter to place things on. We decided the functionality of a hand-to-wall mirror would provide a cute art-object and solve the lack-of-space problem. Form and function are equally important to us so this always informs the designs we develop.

One of the many color explores.
We began by 3D printing different sized prototypes and tested a lot of colors. Some were inspired by iconic flower paintings or the color of flowers in the wild. (We had multiple stacks of flower-shaped things sitting around the studio for a while.) Ultimately, we chose blue and yellow—colors that evoke feelings of calm and happiness and are the ideal moods to be in for starting one's day.
Sunflower Mirror
Just like a sunflower, this hand-to-wall mirror exudes optimism and possibility, setting exactly the right tone for your daily affirmations. After getting ready for your day, hang it up on the included wall hook where its bright color and cheerful shape will add the hit of dopamine every room needs.